Saturday, June 5, 2010

Etsy Finds - Teacher Gifts

Please, let's all agree now to stop the madness! Let's stop buying ugly, useless, tacky teacher gifts!

My aunt and uncle were both high school principals and one day they brought over a huge box of teacher gifts they had collected over the years to my Granny - because these were gifts that only a Granny could love. And truth to tell, Granny only loved a few of them herself because despite having Granny taste, she had good Granny taste!

If I were a teacher, I would like to be excited by the last day of school - not dreading it. So with that in mind, I have trawled through ETSY looking for cool, fun or just useful teacher gifts. And yes, I admit, I'm still a sucker for the apple for the teacher motif - but that doesn't mean it can't be cool!

Handamade's scrumptious Apple Jacket

gretchent's colorful Felt Brooch

TheDoveTree's Fabric Magnets

ShopRedLeaf's Soap and Shave Cubes

wiseimpressions' adorable Personalized Mini Dish

hamptonjewels' mouthwatering Simplify Earrings In Apple Green Peridot


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